The Business Symposium

This week in ISM, we had our Business Symposium, where we practiced interviewing different professionals in other fields. My first interview at the ISM business symposium was conducted with John Miner. He has experience in many companies, including an excellent express firm and working in supply chief and financial officer and accounting systems. I conducted my second interview with Spencer Langley, a marketer in the food and beverage industry who currently works for Coca-Cola. My third interview at the ISM business symposium was with Nikki Mouton, an administrator who works for opportunities and equality for all students in FISD. The ISM Business Symposium gave us a segue into the interviews we will conduct later this week and month to find a mentor. By practicing interview skills this week, I was able to feel more confident in condoning an interview and allow myself to learn more about the interview process as a whole. Additionally, this week I contacted more professionals in hopes of securing an interview. As of today, I have two confirmed interviews, one this Friday and one next Tuesday. I've been using my time this week to research questions to ask my professionals based on their research topics or the area in the oncology field they pertain to the most.

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